3 January 2014
Let’s get this party started....

As a result, I had to take time out and I spent
the next 10 days reflecting. Being lazy.
Next up, I sent an email to the Supreme
Court of NSW, asking who to contact and/or how to access records from a Supreme
Court trial, in which I was the prime witness, approximately back in the year 1984.
I truly have forgotten the year. I know.
I received an email back on the
same day (Is that efficiency or are the public servants twiddling their thumbs?),
with an attachment. Yep, you guessed
it! A form! I have worked with forms for the last 10
years and I’m proud to say, I am Form Master!! (You may call me by this title if it tickles
you). This one is a sticky form and yet,
I have no fear.
Surprise, surprise; the
options in the check boxes do not match up with my request. So,
which box do I tick? Where is the ‘other’ option? Is this an evil trick played by our public
servants when trying to amuse themselves?
Is sitting in the office making figures out of paper clips no longer fun?
Do they get a kick out of this and
giggle about it in the lunch room?
Public Servant 1: “Hey dude, guess
what I did today? I emailed a form to a
tax payer with no option for her to tick, regarding her enquiry. Hehe.”
Public Servant 2: “Get outta
here! Did you really? That is so fricking funny! Good one mate.
Hehe.” Slaps colleague on the back.
Forms, of course there was a form
and no doubt an accompanying fee. This
is what we do as adults. We complete forms and pay fees. I wasn’t taught this as a child. Parents can be oh so secretive when it comes
to explaining adulthood to their children. “You’ll need money and find a job
you’ll enjoy because you will be doing it every day for the rest of your life!” My parents didn’t warn me about the overabundance
of forms. Not unlike a new mother and
the milk which....oh, never mind.
The next step in my research is
accessing archived newspaper articles. The court case made news in my small town over a number of days. The Newcastle City Library has the newspapers
on microfilm. I went to the library and
searched for 3 hours with no luck. I
don’t remember which month to look in, so I started at the beginning of January
1984. After 3 hours, I had looked at
every daily paper from January to April.
Only 8 months to go. The joy! Love the street around the corner of the
library, full of cafes with delicious foodstuffs.
Christmas has been and gone. I
spent a wonderful time with family and friends. It’s 2014 and I welcome the New
Year with open arms.
Now...back to my project. Must try
to stop being lazy.