Memoir Madness Post 1
30 November 2013
And so it begins..... It’s time. I’m not sure why, but it is. I am happy, relaxed, reflective, have time on my hands and more hormonal than I would care to admit. All of the above have influenced this craziness. If you've read the ‘About Me’ on this blog, you will know I've made the decision to write memoirs concerning certain events from my past. The memoirs will be the story of a girl who looks at the world through rose colored glasses.
The only difference now being, they are prescription rose colored glasses and this has given me the edge I so badly needed.
So where do I start? I've formulated a plan and it’s not unlike how I eat a lolly. Unwrap the lolly, take a good look, plop it in my mouth, swirl it around, suck up the flavor and finally chew it rapidly hence it disappears so quickly I’m left wondering if I ever had one in the first place. This results in having to put another one in my mouth, and so on and so on.
That’s not my actual plan. It was just good fantasizing about eating a lolly. To start with though, I will unwrap my past. I developed a highly honed skill when I was a young girl, which enabled me to forget (or block, if you want to be fancy) events from my past. So in order to begin I will.....
- Create a timeline. It’s the only way I can gather my thoughts.
- Research old legal records and newspaper archives.
- Fill in the gaps with a close family member who has been my main memory keeper for years.
- Think about how these stories will be told.
- Write a draft beginning, middle and end.
- Not pressure myself too much.
- Decide on how many lollies I should stock up on.
- Research which wine to drink with the numerous prawn and mango salads I am going to gift myself.
- Remember to breathe.
Yes, this is the easy part. It’s going to become harder as I delve into my past.
I will gratefully accept support and I will suck it up like a lolly. Thanks for reading and I’ll keep you posted irregularly. No joke!
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